Cadereyta Jimenez Baptism Records Organization

Click to Enlarge - Cadereyta Jimenez Baptism records

These ancestry baptism books are organized by family to aid in your ancestry search. Specifically, the baptism records are organized first by Child's surname, then mother's surname, father’s first name, mother's first name, and finally baptism date. The result is a listing of baptism records that will facilitate finding all the children of a set of parents by listing them together. This organization also eliminates the need for a surname index since the baptism genealogy books are organized on the child's surname.

Quickly Find your Ancestors with Baptism Indexes

Use Child, Mother or Padrinos Indexes to aid your ancestry search of baptism records.

Each baptism genealogy book has two indexes to aid in your ancestry search. The first is the Mother's surname Index which can be used to help find your ancestors' baptism record when the Fathers name or surname is not known. The Second Index is by baptism Padrinos (Sponsors) surname which can often be used to find related individuals (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.).

Baptism Record Statistics

Better understand your Ancestors world, by using Baptism record Statistics in your ancestry search.

This section of the Cadereyta Jimenez Baptism Books includes genealogy statistics on; number of Baptisms, race distribution, surname distribution and many other genealogy baptism record characteristics. Its purpose is to aid your ancestry search by giving the reader a feel for the community and the times that their ancestors lived in.

Genealogy Books to help with your ancestry search

Genealogy Books for Sale:                                            Cadereyta Jimenez Baptism Book 1806 - 1815

Genealogical Studies of Cadereyta Jimenez;Volume 1: With Complete Baptismal Extractions for 1806-1815

This genealogy book includes 1,869 baptism records for the given period. Most Baptism records include the Baptism date, race, age in days, child's name and surname, parents' names, town of origin, grandparents' names and padrino name(s). This Baptism genealogy book also includes a Mothers’ surname index and Padrinos’ surname index to assist in your ancestry search.

Copyright 1998, pgs 193

Genealogy Books for Sale:                                            Cadereyta Jimenez Baptism Book 1816 - 1825

Genealogical Studies of Cadereyta Jimenez;Volume 2: With Complete Baptismal Extractions for 1816-1825

This genealogy book includes 2,866 baptism records for the given period. Most Baptism records include the Baptism date, race, age in days, child's name and surname, parents' names, town of origin, grandparents' names and padrino name(s). This Baptism genealogy book also includes a Mothers’ surname index and Padrinos’ surname index to assist in your ancestry search.

Copyright 2000, pgs 289.

Cadereyta Jimenez Genealogy Books for sale
Standard Edition:
Standard paper
Vol 1: $40
Vol 2: $45
Library Edition:
Bond Paper
Vol 1: $50
Vol 2: $55